Can I Drink Alcohol While Breastfeeding?
By Wendy Colson RN, IBCLC, RLC You’ve spent a long 9 months growing a beautiful baby and now you are wondering- is it safe for me to drink alcohol while...
By Wendy Colson RN, IBCLC, RLC You’ve spent a long 9 months growing a beautiful baby and now you are wondering- is it safe for me to drink alcohol while...
Wondering when the best time to pump is? Read our guide on when you should be pumping and how sticking to a schedule can increase your milk supply.
How Do I Begin To Build My Freezer Stash For When I Return To Work If I’m Always Breastfeeding?
By Wendy Colson, RN, IBCLC, RLC Fruit is one of the most nutrient dense foods you can add to your breastfeeding routine to help nourish you and your baby....
By Wendy Colson, RN, IBCLC, RLC You were consistent with your prenatal vitamins all throughout pregnancy and now as a breastfeeding mama want to know- should you take vitamins...
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