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Fruits to Eat While Breastfeeding

Fruits to Eat While Breastfeeding

 By Wendy Colson, RN, IBCLC, RLC


Fruit is one of the most nutrient dense foods you can add to your breastfeeding routine to help nourish you and your baby. While all fruits have essential vitamins, minerals and fiber, some fruits are superfoods for breastfeeding and can help you stay hydrated to increase breastmilk. Overall, aiming to have a balanced diet that provides 5 servings or 2 cups of fruit a day is best for breastfeeding mothers. 

What Fruits for Breastfeeding to Eat? 

Fruit is incredibly nutrient dense and hydrating, since pregnancy and breastfeeding can deplete the body of nutrient stores, replenishing your body with these vitamins and minerals is essential to maintaining a good milk supply

Fruits To Increase Breast Milk Include: 

  • Fruits high in water such as watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew are all fluid rich and high in Vitamin K, potassium, magnesium and niacin. After birth, most mothers are depleted of hydration, since hydrating is critical piece of making more breastmilk, aiming for these hydrating fruits can support your milk supply. 

Try it: For a snack, sprinkle mint on cubed melon or try them on skewers. 

  • Fiber rich fruits such as raspberries, pears, apples and oranges all provide soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber helps to stimulate bowel movements and relieves constipation which can be a big concern for postpartum and breastfeeding mothers. Fiber also helps to promote good gut health by acting as a prebiotic which is the material probiotics need to thrive in the gut. In order to get the full benefit, be sure to eat these fruits with the skin on. 

Try it: Top greek yogurt with fresh raspberries, try sliced pear or apple with nut butter. 

  • Avocado is technically a fruit and a great fruit for breastfeeding. It is high in fat to provide sustainable energy for breastfeeding mothers who have higher calorie needs and little time to eat. Avocado also contains fat soluble vitamins such as Vitamin E, magnesium which helps to support optimal sleep and potassium which helps support healthy blood pressure. 

Try it: Spread avocados on whole grain toast, add them to a salad and top them on eggs for a morning meal that fuels you and your baby all day. 

Which Fruits To Avoid While Breastfeeding?

The truth is there are no fruits you need to avoid while breastfeeding. While there are many myths about foods to eliminate while breastfeeding, milk is made from your blood not from the contents of your stomach. Here’s some answers to common questions about breast milk and fruit: 

Can I Eat Bananas While Breastfeeding?

Yes, banana is rich in soluble fiber which helps with regular stools and digestion. Banana is also rich in potassium which is a mineral that is often depleted after birth. Bananas are an easy, one handed fruit for breastfeeding. 

Does Apple Increase Breast Milk?

Apples are rich in insoluble fiber (found in the skin of the apple) and rich in a flavnoid, quercetin which helps to promote blood sugar balance. The nutrients in apples also help to fight inflammation in the body. While apples are not rich in galactogogue properties, adding it to your diet can help you stay nourished overall which helps increase breastmilk overall. 

Can I Eat Oranges During Breastfeeding?

Yes, oranges are rich in fiber and especially high in vitamin C which protects your cells from damage and provides immune boosting benefits that keep you and your baby healthy. 

Oranges can be a great one handed snack and are rich in antioxidants which help to make your breastmilk nutrient dense. 

Is Watermelon Bad For Breastfeeding?

You can safely eat watermelon while breastfeeding. Watermelon is rich in water which can help keep you full and satisfied. Watermelon also contains a powerful antioxidant, lycopene which is powerful in preventing chronic diseases and supporting heart health. 

It is important to note that the only caveat where you would consider eliminating a fruit from your diet while breastfeeding would be if you noticed a reaction such as rash, hives, change in stool in your baby. Since fruit does not contain protein, the risk of an allergy is particularly low, however if you notice any of these symptoms, discuss your concerns with your pediatrician and eliminate the food that you believed triggered the reaction until symptoms resolve. 

Nurse Wendy Tip:

Combine your favorite fruits with Boobie* Body Superfood Protein Powder in a blender every morning with water or your choice of milk for a health, protein-fueled milk-boosting breakfast. 

By Wendy Colson RN, IBCLC, RLC

Wendy Colson, a registered nurse (RN) and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), is the Founder and CEO of Boobie* Superfoods. Throughout her career, Wendy has dedicated her time to helping other women conquer motherhood with ease. She helped thousands of mothers breastfeed their babies or receive their mother’s pumped milk during hospitalization. In addition, she has successfully developed a line of innovative, solution-based supplements & products for each stage of motherhood including pregnancy, lactation, and raising a family. Wendy currently lives in sunny San Diego with her 3 daughters and husband. She spends her leisure time devouring chips and salsa and planning new ways to overcome the challenges of motherhood.


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